Not bad
As a piece of music on its own, this really isn't that good.
The beat's okay, but nothing more than that. Orchestral hip-hop is incredibly overused, and to make a song in that genre that actually sounds good the song needs to be incredibly unique, which is certainly not the case here. The beat isn't terrible, it just isn't anything special, and thats vital in hiphop.
I did enjoy the choir voices and whatnot in the background though, but again its all been done before.
The vocals really arent anything special either. The sound of the voice itself is pretty unimpressive, and I couldn't understand the majority of the lyrics, so I can't really comment on those. Bad grammar is dope, yo.
I'm sure you'll respond to this bad score with some scandalous comment about my mother, but that doesn't change the fact that this is a mediocre song at best with lots of room for improvement.
Keep working at it.